Imagine a world where you can set a desired minimum charge for your car (for example to reached loved ones in case of an emergency, or you daily commute) - and allow it to trade the rest of the capacity. Imagine you can tell your dishwasher you don't care when it runs during the night, as long as it's done in the morning. Imagine you tell your heatpump you want your house between 19.5 and 21 degrees - and all of those appliances consume the energy when it's cheapest in the market. Combine that with a house battery that sucks up cheap energy at night during winter and your excess solar during the summer, protecting you from grid outages in case they ever happen. We could have all of this, easily. It's not even hard, we build much, much more complex systems - but this needs standards. We need to get away from manufacturer clouds and own inventions, integrations with specific manufacturers and so on to a common language for those products to receive signals - and to give control to the consumer. You should be free to use the energy when you want to, but then it will cost you more, or you are rewarded for the flexibility.